
(Four Saturdays a year from 11.00 to 17.00)

Next workshop in 2024: 19.10.24 (youth from 14-26)

A workshop to try out equipment, learn how to operate it, experiment, film, have fun, learn. PurpleFilms is a place where you can be stress-free, and playful and try out new ideas and positions within a film crew. Maybe you want to try out your secret dream for the first time. There are only practical limits in PurpleFilms! We film freely for a couple of hours – on a given theme, mood, idea, or sentence. During the workshop, you can try different approaches and figure out how to resolve them or just experiment with new angles to the task  – wild ideas that are not possible to do while working on a regular project. PurpleFilms can also be utilized to make test scenes for ongoing PurpleDragons projects.  PurpleFilms is all about being playful, learning, and developing by doing tasks without any pressure at all! Where will you find THAT?

You can participate by choosing between 5 roles:

  • First Assistant Director (First AD): The First AD is responsible for organizing everything that happens on set during filming. They make sure everyone knows their tasks, that equipment and people are in the right place at the right time, and that the schedule is followed. The First AD also coordinates communication between the different departments to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Cinematographer: The cinematographer, or Director of Photography (DP), decides how the film will look. They work with lighting, cameras, and angles to capture the best shots for the movie. The cinematographer collaborates closely with the director to create the visual style that fits the story being told.
  • Sound: The sound technician ensures that all necessary audio is recorded well. They capture the actors’ dialogue, background noises, and other sound effects important to the film. After filming, the sound technician may also work on editing the sound to make it as good as possible.
  • Director: The director has creative control over the film. They decide how the story will be told, how the actors should perform, and how the movie will look. The director works with everyone on set to ensure the film aligns with their vision, from the tone and narrative to the visuals.
  • Actor: The actor portrays a character in the movie. They read the script and work on understanding who the character is, how they should behave, speak, and show emotions. The actor collaborates with the director to deliver convincing and engaging performances that fit the story.

FREE for youth under the age of 26.

This workshop is funded by Viken UNG. The equipment is funded by Sparebankstiftelsen.

Responsible Dragons: Laura Thu Nguyen and Kinga Tronezcek

To participate, send an email til

PurpleScript Anne Marte og Omar small


Feil/fri: Every second Monday from 18.30-20.30.

We wish through targeted narrative stimulation, experimentation, and testing, to create different and bolder movies, TV series, and theatre arrangements/plays. The groups will be between 5 to 10 participants working on a collective idea/project. Participants can also work with their ideas and read and help each other with their drafts. The aim is for the participants to develop film/TV show/theatre ideas, from synopsis to final script. Together with members of the film collective, participants can be offered the opportunity to produce their projects. There can be several parallel PurpleScript during the development of different projects. Where else will you find a collective that may develop YOUR ideas?

FREE for all Premium Dragons and youth under the age of 26. For other participants, it costs NOK150,-.

This workshop is funded by Viken UNG. The equipment is funded by Sparebankstiftelsen.

Responsible Dragon: Nadina Helen Bakos


(A weekend, four times a year)

Next workshop: date not set
Location: Gamle Munch at Tøyen
Available places: 6

A workshop where you learn how to edit: structure, rhythm, and technical parts of it. We learn how to use professional editing software and how to develop your editing skills.

The workshop costs NOK 1200,- for a weekend.
FREE for all Premium Dragons!

Responsible Dragon: Nadina Helen Bakos

PurplePitch june 2018 small


(On Thursday afternoon, twice a year)

Next workshop in 2024: 15.06 and 15.12.

In the film industry, everyone has to pitch ideas to someone who might want to buy or produce/co-produce your idea(s). PurplePitch is a workshop where we meet and present some projects in the most professional way that we can. The participant gets 5 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions and feedback about both their project and the way they presented it. An arena where it is possible to see if a project is good enough, and an opportunity to get better at presentation skills. You probably won’t get this kind of help anywhere else!

FREE for Premium Dragons! 

Responsible Dragon: Nadina Helen Bakos

On-demand workshops


(Every other Tuesday 17.00-19.00)

The goal is to create a safe arena where participants will learn about improvisation techniques and practice to be better at them. Participation in these workshops will improve the understanding of what it’s like to be an actor. It will also enhance the participants’ understanding of the subject and thus the ability to write a script. PurpleImpro is even an arena for inspiration to write realistic dialogues, where you can develop your ideas and create joint projects. PurpleImpro is a workshop for testing ideas and skills!

FREE for all Premium Dragons!

Responsible Dragon: Sukhpreet Singh

PurpleImpro Pia og Terje 01



At PurpleText we write, we discuss, we give feedback. Our practice is that ideas and thoughts should flow freely on the paper, without any form of personal or peer censoring. We do various short and simple writing exercises designed to open up the individual and collective creativity. We then share and evaluate each others work without “judging” the text, the theme or the sequence of action. Feedback in PurpleText is restricted in the sense that negativity is not allowed. The goal is to be uncritically creative, positive, have fun and work together to open our individual creative channels. Maybe this workshop could be the start of a project, or a forum to test parts of a project-in-the-making. Where it starts is our “business”. Where it ends is up to the participants.

FREE for all Premium Dragons!

Responsible Dragon: Nadina Helen Bakos



An offer that allows you to train privately or in very small groups (less than 5) for an hour or two with a mentor or mentors (your choice) who will help you prepare a character for a specific audition, address your acting or working confidence issues, experiment with roles, texts or anything that you would not be comfortable doing “on stage” – i.e. in a setting with many people present. If it is preparation for an audition or a role, it is strongly advised that you send the description of the character and the text that you want to use for the promotion, in advance. PurpleMentor is a flexible workshop, addressing individual or small-group issues. Needs to be individually scheduled, and therefore needs to be booked well ahead of the wanted time slot. This is a practical, work-related offer – not a psychology “class”.

FREE for all Dragons!

Responsible Dragon: Dennis Winther


(Whenever needed/wanted)

There is a need for courses of a more technical nature, and we therefore intend to hold courses in photo, editing, sound production, floor functions and lighting or other filmrelated skills. We believe that this may be beneficial, regardless of what role you have in a film team, in order that you as a participant in a team get an expanded insight into how the other professional functions work. This is a glimpse into basic skills in the different positions, not an education for film makers.

FREE for all Dragons!

Responsible Dragon: Variable, according to subject